
40 hours of non stop music

by over 40 musicians

to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease and participating artists



  hours  minutes  seconds


the 40 hour Jammin LITE!

40 Hour Jammin LITE

on 25 September 2021

@ the Kendall Permaculture Farm

Kin Kin, Noosa Hinterland, Sunshine Coast

We are running a LITE version of the 40 Hour Jammin event on 25 September 2021 from 2pm at the Kendall Permaculture Farm with 20 local artists. The event will go ahead unless there is a lockdown in the Noosa Shire.

We will be live-streaming the event, you can buy your ticket for the live stream by clicking the button below. Minimum donation of $10 for live stream access, but if you can donate more this will be greatly appreciated!

This is a fundraising event for MND & ME Foundation (20%) and participating artists (60%). The remaining 20% goes towards running the event. This event is proudly sponsored by Tourism Noosa.

Tea, coffee, chai, cakes and a light dinner available by donation. Drinking water is also available. This is a smoke, alcohol and drug free event.

Tickets are a minimum donation of $40 (but it would be incredibly appreciated if you could contribute more according to your means, thank you!) If you have trouble paying this amount please send an email to info [at] permeco.org, we would like to support our community! Zero waste event, please take your rubbish with you.


2.00pm Whipbird
When the rich sounds and sensitivity of the acoustic harp and guitar are lovingly blended the result is a marriage of rhythms & harmonies flowing in charismatic song.

2.50pm Dangerous Song
‘Dangerous Song’ is a performance piece that combines the human voice with the sounds of endangered and extinct animals to create an intriguing and moving musical performance.

3.40pm VYN
Blends intricate, heartfelt lyrics about timeless themes.

4.30pm Jazz / Gypsy Jazz Jam led by Shenzo Gregorio Quartet
Shenzo Gregorio, Multi-Instrumentalist, composer and improviser 22 years on the road performing all over Australia and the world brings his love of Gypsy Jazz to the table with the Shenzo Gregorio Quartet.

6.15pm Rob Longstaff
Powerful vocals with humorous lyrics, passionate guitar playing and charm make him a one-man-groove-machine that runs with or without amplification.

7.05pm Nizami
Joyful & energetic original world dance fusion in a range of genres like Latin, Gypsy, Disco, Techno and more. This high energy and happy music will make you dance and smile for hours!

8.00pm Join us for the Marimba Jam with Linsey Pollak & Nizami!
Play some music with the artists! A jam for everyone with melodic and rhythmic percussion instruments, come and have a play!

9.00pm Barleyshakes Jam
Brewed in Ireland and distilled in Australia, the Barleyshakes are a Celtic band with worldly influences, combining intense energy, beautiful harmony and driving dance rhythms in their live performances. 

10.00pm Acoustic Jam by the fire.
The artists will keep going without amplification and will connect with you through their love of music!

Sunday 26th September:
6.30am Yoga for stayers with Nikki Berry
For those who stayed in the area overnight there is a yoga class to some gentle improvised music. Designed to wake you up gently after your evening jamming, to stretch out stiff dancing muscles, and to connect you to your breath.

Due to Covid there will be limited tickets available.  This will be a Covid Safe event. Tickets can be bought online until the start of the event, or at the gate. Cash and card accepted at the gate. If sold out there will be a notice on the website.

Please stay at home if unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. If you become unwell during the event, please seek assistance by notifying the event organisers. Maintaining physical distancing requirements is the individual’s responsibility.

This is an alcohol, smoke and drug free event. Food and drinks are available by donation onsite. Please bring your own camping chair or picnic rug as only limited seating is available. Please bring your own cutlery and crockery to enjoy our catering. Please note this is an outdoor event.

We are really looking forward to this event, and we are immensely grateful for your support!

For places to stay in Kin Kin (camping, AirBnB and retreats), please click here.

Please ensure you whitelist (allow emails to arrive in your inbox) the email address zaia [at] permeco.org to receive communications from us.

Please check out the 40 Hour Jammin Facebook page for some amazing footage of previous years’ events!

Click here to donate to the MND & ME Foundation direct


click here to donate to the 40 Hour Jammin for donations to artists and MND & ME Foundation


Below are some visual impressions of the 2020 40 Hour Jammin at the Kendall Permaculture Farm.

The 40 hour Jammin on Magnetic Island 2019, half hour documentary